Relocation Berlin/Rhein-Main

Best conditions for your relocation


With our headquarters in Friedberg and our branch office in Berlin, we are the perfect partner if you are planning to move from the Rhein-Main area to the German capital or vice versa. Our experts are present, both at origin and at destination, and have excellent knowledge of both regions. You can rely on optimal conditions and maximum flexibility.

Because we offer furniture storage both in Berlin and in Friedberg, you can bridge time differences between the move-out and move-in dates by booking interim storage of your household goods and personal effects. No matter whether you prefer to store your items in Berlin or in the Rhein-Main area - we offer the same options at both locations.

Our relocation experts will counsel you individually and in detail. Give us a call, use our contact form or fill out our move questionnaire.

We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Our International Moving Office Berlin is working for MTL Umzüge Möbel Transport Lagerservice GmbH and for MTL Moving Transport Logistics.

MTL International Office
Malplaquetstraße 22
13347 Berlin

Tel.: 030 276 916 81



Your contact:

mtl team ingeborg cleve2
Dr. Ingeborg Cleve

Director MTL International Offices / Business Development
+49 (0) 30 276 916 81

Move from Rhein-Main to Berlin

Relocating to the German capital with home advantage

Your professional or private plans push you from the Rhein-Main area toward Berlin? Then we are the right partner to contact.

Our company headquarters in Friedberg coordinates all organizational and logistical questions related to your move directly with our Berlin branch.

Experts, vehicles and storage capacities are available both in the Rhein-Main area and in Berlin and can be put to use to your best advantage for your individual relocation.

Move from Berlin to the Rhein-Main area

Stress-free from the Spree to the Main River

Tired of Berlin? Your career leads you from Berlin to Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz or elsewhere in the Rhein-Main area? Our specialists at the MTL branch office in Berlin are your ideal contact for a professional and smooth relocation organization.

All planning and logistical questions can be discussed and clarified between the MTL office in Berlin and MTL headquarters in Friedberg, north of Frankfurt efficiently and to your advantage, resulting in professional planning, quick coordination, smooth implementation and above all: maximum flexibility!
No matter where your move from Berlin to the Rhein-Main area takes you - we advise you individually and personally. Our team of experienced removal experts will be at your side at every step of the move between origin and destination.